Welcome to Hawa Medical Consulting!

Smart Billing, Maximum Benefits​

For many Physicians one of the most important questions they face is whether or not to outsource their medical billing to a third-party professional billing service or do it in-house with additional staff and expensive software. With our company the answer is a win-win. We offer the best of both worlds to save you time, money and frustration with state-of-the-art electronic claims processing. First, as experts in the Medical Billing Business your claims will get processed faster and more efficiently for maximum reimbursements in less time and effort. Secondly, we share our MedOffice software technology with you.

MedOffice provides you moreconfidence and control

You and your entire office enjoy features like patient scheduling, easy data entry, HIPAA compliance and hundreds of business reports at your fingertips and so much more.

Our service

Improper filing causes a high percentage of rejected claims and delayed payments to providers. Rejected and re-processed claims directly impact the cash flow position of any medical practice. These denied claims generally require extensive follow-up and resubmitted claims prior to actual payment by the carrier. Medical claims billing is greatly facilitated through the use of an electronic claims processing system.

Keeps track of each carrier's specific requirements.

Significantly reduces the rejection percentage.

Greatly accelerates the payment turnaround time.


Insurance Claims Filing National Average Enter Your Figures
Providers Filing Paper Claims Providers Filing Electronically
Number of Insurance Claims Filed Annually 5,760 5,760 Enter total annual claims filed.
Average Value Per Claim $180 $180 Enter average claim value in dollars.
Total Annual Insurance Billing $1,036,800 $1,036,800
Percentage of Rejected Claims 25% 1% Enter rejection percentage.
Number of Rejected Claims 1,440 58
Amount of Rejected Claims $259,200 $10,368
Percentage of Rejected Claims Never Collected 40% 40% Enter percentage never collected.
Total of Claims Never Collected $103,680 $4,147
Savings From Using Electronic Submission $99,533